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Brazil Pantanal

Brazil’s Pantanal: A place of superlatives. Home to the world’s largest fresh-water wetlands, the Pantanal is ten-times the size of the Everglades, draining into a single channel: the Paraguay River. We venture deep into this world-class wildlife hotspot on a long road that bisects the Transpantaneira wilderness, in search of an adventure that can’t be missed. In this famed region, we discover wildlife thriving in a mix of savanna, forest, and wetland habitats. Even a relaxed day can yield more than 100 species of birds and dozens of mammals!


Day 1 - Arrival Day

Arrival to Sao Paulo and welcome dinner. The Atlantic Forest pre-tour group will be joining the main group.


Day 2 - South Side of the Pantanal

Board an early flight to Campo Grande. Explore the south side of the Pantanal searching for Hyacinth Macaw, Chaco Chachalaca, Toco Toucan, Blue-fronted Parrot, Crested Oropendola, and many more!


Day 3 - Pantanal Safari

Join a safari ride around an area with over 300 species of birds including Southern Screamer, Blaze-winged Parakeet, Gilded Hummingbird, Helmeted Manakin, Savanna Hawk, Orange-backed Troupial, and Capped Heron. 


Day 4 - Pantanal Safari

Enjoy another day of safari rides around the southern Pantanal. This area is the best place to spot the Giant Anteater.


Day 5 - Aquidauana River

Explore by boat on the Aquidauana River. The river is full of life with good chances to see Giant River Otters, Black-collared Hawk, five species of kingfisher, and Blue-throated Piping-Guan.


Day 6 - Transpantaneira Road

Board an early flight to Cuiaba for the northern part of our Pantanal adventure. Travel the Transpantaneira Road to spot wildlife such as the Red-crested Cardinal, Jabiru, Yacare Caiman, Capybaras, and Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture. 

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Day 7 - Transpantaneira Road

Continue birding and spotting wildlife along the Transpantaneira Road. Pass through scattered palm woodlands, cerrado scrub, and seasonally-flooded grasslands. Overnight in a houseboat hotel and search the dark sky for the Southern Cross!


Day 8 - Jaguar River Safari

Awake on the river to a host of sounds and sights of macaws and other birds. Board speedboats to spend the day searching for the iconic jaguar, known for their affinity to water. Overnight in a houseboat hotel.


Day 9 - Lower Transpantaneira

Enjoy birding and wildlife spotting on the Lower Transpantaneira searching for howler monkeys, Chestnut-eared Aracari, Snail Kite, Sayaca Tanager, and White-browed Blackbird. 


Day 10 - Pixaim River

Gaze at the sunrise while sipping good Brazilian coffee. Take a safari drive or boat ride along the Pixaim River to spot secretive species like Agami and Zig-Zag Herons and Tapirs. Explore a Gallery Forest habitat to look for Mato Grosso Antbird, Band-tailed Antbird, Black-hooded Tanager, Blue-crowned Trogon, and Helmeted Manakin. Sample authentic Mato Grosso cuisine, including legendary piranha and local beef.

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Day 11 - Departure

Return to Cuiaba in time for evening flights to Sao Paulo or overnight for flights the following day.

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Atlantic Forest Pre-tour Extension

One of the most beautiful sites in the Atlantic Forest is Itatiaia National Park, located just 250 kilometers from Sao Paulo and home to one of the largest altitudinal differences of any birding sites in Brazil. It ranges from the humid Atlantic Forest at an elevation of 300 meters, up to the “campo de altitude” at 2,800 meters. Itatiaia was Brazil’s first national park and it shelters an incredible variety of birds, including many endemics like the Itatiaia Spinetail, Saffron Toucanet, Slaty Bristlefront, and Araucaria Tit-Spinetail.

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