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Galapagos Islands & Ecuador

Explore the gorgeous Galapagos Islands, where nature dominates the landscape. Whether you’re visiting the islands for the fascinating culture and history, to soak up the sun on palm-lined beaches, or for the unique wildlife encounters, Isabela and Santa Cruz Islands offer a multitude of opportunities. These islands serve as a perfect base for exploring the surrounding archipelago. Then, explore two biodiverse regions of Ecuador - the Andes Mountains and the Amazon Rainforest - and be rewarded with spectacular landscape views and great birding!

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Day 1 - Arrival Day

Arrival to Quito and welcome dinner. 

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Day 2 - Galapagos Islands

Early flight to the Galapagos Islands, arriving in the town of Puerto Ayora on Santa Cruz Island. Travel by boat to Las Bachas Beach, on of the most important nesting sites for the Galapagos Islands' sea turtle population.


Day 3 - Galapagos Islands

Discover the volcanic origins of the Galapagos Islands at Bartolome on a guided walk. Take a dingy ride along the coastline for the opportunity to see the Galapagos penguins nesting amongst the fissured lava flows and venturing into the crystal clear waters to fish. Take a short ride aboard a yacht to Sullivan Bay, a beautiful beach and special pahoehoe lava flow.


Day 4 - Galapagos Islands

Tour Tortuga Bay, where mockingbird songs fill the air and scurrying lava lizards cross the sandy beach. Marine iguanas sun themselves along the peninsula of black lava and Blue-footed Boobies rule the shoreline. Relax in a quiet bay where you can swim or kayak to get closer to the big stingrays and sea turtles. 


Day 5 - Galapagos Islands

Opt to explore Puerto Villamil on Isabela Island by bike, either on your own or with a guide. Visit the Wall of Tears, named by locals because of the eerie, crying sound it emits. See tortoises and enjoy a fantastic view of the Sierra Negra volcano. Explore Flamingo Lagoon for the best opportunity to see flamingos up close. Ride to the Humedales wetlands where lush vegetation vegetation of this fragile habitat hides many small lagoons surrounded by mangroves, providing shelter for many species of birds. 

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Day 6 - Galapagos Islands

Join a boat tour to Las Tintoreras, a small islet in the southeast of Isabela Island. Keep an eye out for sea lions and penguins who like to play in the water. Wander through the bizarre lava formations populated by large iguana colonies. Spot white-tipped sharks swimming in the calm waters of the bay.


Day 7 - Galapagos Islands

Visit Los Tuneles, a spectacular natural habitat for exceptional wildlife. The collapsed lava tubes invite you on an otherworldly journey to a unique sanctuary for fascinating animals on land and under water. Manta rays, seahorses, sharks, turtles, and other sea creatures frolic in the water, against the majestic backdrop of the Sierra Negra volcano.


Day 8 - Galapagos Islands

Spend the day exploring the volcanic landscape of Isabela Island, created by five shield volcanoes, whose lava flows have united to form a landmass. Make your way to the highlands and ascend to the Sierra Negra volcano, the second largest volcanic cone on earth. The hike covers about 5 miles of this interesting terrain with only an hour of the hike being uphill. Return to the harbor town of Puerto Villaamil to journey by plane back to Quito. 


Day 9 - Andes & Cloud Forest

Enjoy drives through spectacular Andean mountain scenery with birding stops to look for Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, antpittas, quetzals, hummingbirds, endemics, and other regional birds and wildlife. 


Day 10 - Andes & Cloud Forest

Enjoy another day of driving through spectacular Andean mountain scenery and birding in the cloud forest. 


Day 11 - Amazon Rainforest

Take walks and boat rides in Ecuador's Amazon Rainforest to look for forest species like manakins, foliage-gleaners, antbirds, monkeys, sloths, toucans, cotingas, umbrellabirds, parrots, and more!


Day 12 - Amazon Rainforest

Take walks and boat rides in Ecuador's Amazon Rainforest to look for forest species like manakins, foliage-gleaners, antbirds, monkeys, sloths, toucans, cotingas, umbrellabirds, parrots, and more!


Day 13 - Amazon Rainforest

Take walks and boat rides in Ecuador's Amazon Rainforest to look for forest species like manakins, foliage-gleaners, antbirds, monkeys, sloths, toucans, cotingas, umbrellabirds, parrots, and more!


Day 14 - Yasuni National Park

Explore the biodiverse hotspot of Yasuní National Park, where many threatened species are protected. The diversity of reptiles is the second richest in the world and more insect species are found in Yasuní than any other forest.  combined. Ecuador has the ninth highest mammal biodiversity, and over half reside in Yasuní.


Day 15 - Antisana Volcano

Drive up the eastern ridge of the Andes to the hulking snow-capped mass of Antisana Volcano. Explore the Antisana Ecological Reserve to look for Andean Condor, raptors, flowerpiercers, seed-eaters, pipits, and other birds, as well as Andean Fox. Visit Micacocha Lake which lies in full view of Antisana's glaciers towering above and is habitat for high-Andean waterfowl. Drive back to Quito for departure flights home.

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